A Stream of Gladness
This morning, my daily devotional was Psalm 46, a testimony to our divine assurance that when the world seems to fall apart, we do not have to fear. Though "the earth shakes" or "nations tremble" we do not have to be confused, God will not be overthrown. Where do you put your hope in the face of loss or trouble?
The "world of Old Testament" was also a time social, political, economic, religious unrest. The Psalmist speaks to us in our context as a nation preparing for a change in governmental leadership. The Psalmist also speaks to us who have suffered losses in our communities or personal lives. The Psalmist reminds us to look upon the "crumbling world" and trust that even the most violent attempts to destroy God's plan of Peace on Earth wont succeed.
Verse four describes an ever-present river in the City of God, whose streams are unthreatened. According to the Matthew Henry Commentary verse 4 alludes to the waters of Siloam, which were not deep, wide or fast moving, but were used by God to defend Jerusalem in Hezekiah’s time, (Isa. 22:10, Isa. 22:11) "Though kingdoms and states be in confusion, embroiled in wars, tossed with tumults... we will not we fear [for we know] that these troubles will end well."
The small stream of Siloam were strong and triumphant, reminding us that the peace of God isn't necessarily a raging whitewater rafting river. Even the smallest trickling stream of God's peace is more powerful than the roaring water.
The spirit of God in our life is available to us, like the Living Water that Jesus described to the woman at the well. Seek the small stream of gladness that flows at the center of unrest. You may have to search it out, but God is within every turmoil.
Be still and stand on the rocks along the river of Living Water.