Five Years of Grief
Five years ago, I made a decision. I decided while my mother was battling cancer that I would not grieve. If this sounds impossible,...

Caught by Grace
Drive on Dalrymple road through Calvert County and you might see this tree caught between two others. I saw it today when I was leaving...

Taste & See
If you never try something new, you will never know if you like it or hate it. Last week, I was with my friend Meredith at the Chik-fil-A...

My Strong Tower
This photo is of Sharps Lighthouse, which I took at my first visit years ago. After decades of shifting land beneath it and water levels...

Friends for the Journey
Finding, making and keeping friends is important. The importance of a friends on our social life is understood but perhaps we have not...

The Holy Spirit and Information Communication Technology
My Reflections on 2014 Game Changers Summit ICT4D = Information Communication Technologies For Development held in Nashville, Tennessee...

PARENTS - Warning about Smart Phone Cameras
The smart phone has many settings built into it that parents need to be aware of - especially when it comes to keeping your personal...

A Church of Digital Natives
At our first conversation on Digital Evangelism last month, a small group gathered to discuss how churches communicate their message of...
Change from the Inside Out
This Children's sermon was adapted from one posted on Sermons4kids.com titles "What's on the Inside Counts" by Sharon Brumfield Talk...

What is Digital Discipleship?
The Gospel. The Bible. Evangelism. Preaching. What do all these words have in common?A kid might say they are all “church words.” ...