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PARENTS - Warning about Smart Phone Cameras

The smart phone has many settings built into it that parents need to be aware of - especially when it comes to keeping your personal information private. Camera settings, in particular, have default GPS functions that trace the location of where the photo was taken, down to the particular home on a google maps web page! Pretty scary stuff.

Below, I have shown how you can access the Utilities>Settings>Privacy>Location Services>Camera and slide the camera function to Off. You can turn off all locations settings as well, but that will effect your ability to use maps, for instance. Remember when you post a photo to a social media site like facebook or tumblr you will need to be review the settings of your post as well.

Please forward this on to others. Start conversations with your friends about how you as a group would like to handle sharing of photos, posting to FB etc, tagging each other, etc. It can feel awkward at first but I am confident that our moms groups, families, and churches can begin proactive conversations each other, and our kids, tweens and teens.


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