What are you Chewing On?
What are you chewing on? I find myself asking this frequently with our new puppy. Puppies put everything in their mouth! But I wonder if...

Think About It
God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” is calling you to shine forth today. Begin now by rekindling the fire of His love within...

Same Old. Same Old.
Ever feel like it's like that movie Groundhog Day and you are in the loop of repetition? People and situations don't seem to change? What...

Serenity is Certainty
Some mornings, more than others, the task list seems insurmountable. Especially right before a holiday like Thanksgiving where so much...

Before I Was Lovable
Peace grows in a heart that knows it's forgiven. Forgiveness starts when we truly accept our imperfection. "While we were yet sinners,...

Peace through Connection
Peace is found in connecting with others who value kindness, gentleness. Be uplifted today by seeking to spend time with a "gentler soul"...

Consider the Dragonfly
The most terrifying insect for me growing up was not the wasp or bumble bee, although I ran away from them in fear along with my...

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
It's Palm Sunday, and this is that time of year when we return to the scene of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem for Passover. In...

Blessed are the Feet
Perhaps you remember the words of the Prophet Isaiah who declared, "How beautiful are the feet of those that announce the gospel of...

Snowed in? Be Still.
Psalm 46 Be Still and Know that I am God. This simple verse is one well loved by many of us who seek the peace of God in times of...