Sidewalk Appeal

Ever notice the popular additional banner on real estate signs "I'm beautiful inside"? It's often on the lawn of a home that would go unnoticed for it's sidewalk appeal. Homes with a poor exterior don't get a buyers attention but the seller is certain that if someone took a look inside, they would discover great value.
It reminds me of a scriptural truth: What's inside a person matters. People look at the outside, and might pass us by. But God sees our heart.
In the story, the faithful and discerning Samuel is sent by God to look for the next King. In Samuels search he meets Eliab a tall strong man. He thinks to himself, this is the one for the job. Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
In fact, God chooses younger, smaller, less impressive David. God sees our hearts and our potential. Believe in what is unseen, invest in the eternal attributes of a God-loving heart.